P002 → Work at Woven Studio

In spring of 2022 and 2024 I worked at Woven Studio, in Zandaam (The Netherlands) under the supervision of ecological artist Thijs Biersteker.

During my time there I contributed on a variety of projects and at varying levels, from prototyping, production, assembly & disassembly, data retrieval and analysis to strategic developpment. 

Following is a selection of projects which I contributed to.


Econario is a roboic installation that uses data provided by the Natural History Museum of London on the past and future evolution scenarios of countries Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII). Its height and movements are aligned with the BII trends based on the 5 SSP scenarios. 

I provided support in analysing the data. I  compiled, cleaned and visualized the provided datasets through pandas library and extracted initial findings on the different trends and scenarios of BII in various parts of the world.
While being exhibited at the G20 conference of 2022 held in India, I assisted with a colleague the set-up of the piece.

Evolution of BII in the Netherlands according to SSP1  & SSP3


Wither is a series of pieces that use deforestation data provided by Unesco and show its alarming pace through its flickering leaves. 

Every flicker of a leaf represents 128.61m2 of real time rainforest loss accross our entire planet.

I contributed to the production of newly commissioned pieces; worked hands-on with materials such as steel and the laminated leaves, helped in the fabrication with electronics and soldering as well as the assembly and disassembly of these installations in museums and exhibition spaces.


MB>CO₂ analyzes the audiences internet usage (MB) as they interact with the piece through Zoom call, sharing their spotify streams or netfix usage and converts the data into a CO₂ equivalent and emits the corresponding gas into a biodome.

In this piece, I worked hands-on in its physical construction but more importantly, I assisted in its technical realization; from understanding the complex code behind it as well as the electronics and hardware being used.